I've been away, busy with the holidays and whatnot. Now I'm back baby, with a new zest for providing you, the public, with a candid view of many interesting places I wouldn't even see on a daily basis were it not for this new venture. Here's a little part of town that provides a certain feeling of detatchment from the urban super-metropolis that is Birmingham, Alabama. The shipyards are a little eerie - kind of seems like the kind of place police may have found bodies. So here's the happyer steel and gravel part of it in all it's glory. (Not pictured: a well dressed yet troubled looking middle aged man sitting in a lawn chair far behind me, whose reason for being there by himself at that time of day I couldn't even venture to guess)
P.S. - Yes, Will Smith has inspired me to spell the adjective and noun forms of happy with the y. :)