Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm so tired

Happy monday everyone! Mine was pretty rough, I woke up this morning and went to perform some of my duties as a lowly intern. We went to a lawfirm and shot portaits of all the lawyers for their website. It ended up being fun though, and I never leave the day without learning something, regardless of how small the experience may be.

So now that I've officially started my internship, I've done some pretty cool stuff by myself. I did this shoot of an architect from a local firm, and it's going in the Birmingham Business Journal. I know, I know, I'm practically Ansel Adams right? No, but things do seem to be coming together really fast. I'm not quite sure when the pics will be out, but keep your eyes peeled! Although, they won't have my name on them. This shot had 1 SB600 shot into an umbrella camera right at subject.

On a bright note, I now work for the University of Alabama at Birmingham's newspaper, the Kaleidoscope. I've already got three assignments for this week, so all three of you should plan on sparse posting over the next week or so as I adjust to the 20-hour days I'm probably gonna have.
Blah, blah,, me, me. I know, posting has been a little self-absorbed lately, but so much cool stuff has been happening I just felt the need to share. Good talk! (finger guns).

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wussup Coco...

Hey there folks. So my girlfriend got this adorable new puppy a couple of weeks ago. Coco was kind enough to pose for me the other day in the early morning when the light was fantastic. Look at da wittle pupppy awwwwwe...
P.S. - this picture was linked on the super cute blog, you should check it out for your daily cuteness overload.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Light for Thought

Ok, so I've been meaning to mention and link a blog that has helped me sooooo much in my photographic endeavors, specifically in regards to creative lighting. HTML Tutorial
is like four free semesters of college, and you have thousands and thousands of classmates who will actually provide insight and help you answering any questions you may have. The site is well outlined, beginning with guidance for people completely new to off camera lighting, specifically off camera strobes (also geared towards saving $$$$$ by encouraging diy projects as opposed to spending lots of cash on lighting gear). I know I speak for many when I say I'm completely indebted to David and all of his hard work he does in his spare time. This kind of free sharing of information and experiences is oh so very refreshing and appreciated. So, anyone interested in learning how to creatively and effectively use light to improve your photography, would undoubtedly be doing themselves a disservice to not check it out.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ya miss me?

Wow, so it's been a while. I've been ridiculously busy with a new summer semester at UAB. I'm taking 5 classes, and now I'm officially interning for a local professional photographer. He had me do the poster shoot Wednesday for the Birmingham Steeldogs cheerleaders all by myself! His other intern and I are doing a shoot this week for some architectural company in town. Things are really coming together, and it's been alot of fun. I haven't had much time lately to do any recreational shooting, but managed to mess around with some super duper high shutter speed stuff today. Coffee!